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$100.00 from Jean Cockram |
I never met Archie but I grew up visiting the Schwartz family so I know he must have been a lovely person whose memory brings joy. My heart goes out to his family.
$28.00 from Victoria |
Alice appeared to me as a quiet place. However, last September, it turned out to be good when I met you. I missed our great time in Alice, watching movies, going to the Big Holes, hanging out, etc. Goodbye, Archie. I will pay you a visit when I come back there.
$103.20 from Karen Dobson |
In memory of Archie, may love and gratitude for what he brought to the world help temper the sorrow.
$159.85 from Gai ONeill |
For Archie.
Love to Carl, Lona and Ike. Thinking of the ERKO community at this time.
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We were all shocked to learn just recently of the loss of gorgeous Archie (through Anne from Alice). It’s so incredibly sad and hard to believe that someone with so much enthusiasm and big-hearted love for life could be cruelly taken from it. Christmas and his birthday today must be especially hard for you Lorna, Carl and Ike. Thinking of you all and sending hugs and love, and, as turtle lovers ourselves, will forever associate Arch’s memory with these similarly delightful creatures.